Attractive work environment
2024 Health and productivity

Attractive work environment

1.Promotion of “Health and Productivity Management”

We regard employee health management and health promotion as one of the company’s growth strategies. For this reason, we are promoting work-style reforms such as improving work-life balance, and promoting the creating of an environment where both good health and productivity improvement of employees are achieved, diverse employees can work lively, and employees can grow together with the company.

2.“Declaration of Health and Productivity Management" of Mitsubishi Corporation Packaging Ltd.

We believe that the source of the vitality of the company is to maximize the capabilities of our employees by maintaining their physical and mental good health.
We will further advance our health maintenance and health enhancement activities and drive forward health promotion.
Based on our Corporate Philosophy, The Three Corporate Principles, toward the realization of enrich society both materially and spiritually, we will contribute to the creation of a healthy and a heartwarming society through our packaging business activities.

President & CEO
Shigeo Matsunaga

3. Targets

  • Zero occupational accidents
  • Health check-up rate: 100%
  • Percentage of annual paid leave taken: 70%

*For our track record,
see 6. Initiatives, Performance Data and Results of Analysis of Effectiveness

4.Promotion Framework of “Health and Productivity”

Promotion Framework of “Health and ProductivityPromotion Framework of “Health and Productivity

The Health and Safety Committee*, Occupational Physician, Health Insurance Societies, Human Resources Dept, and employee representatives from each office together to respond and consider to Health and Productivity.
*Member of the Health and Safety Committee include health promoters at each branch.

5. Measures for “Health and Productivity”

Promotion of health management Improving Work-Life Balance Measures for Mental Health Improving health literacyPromotion of health management Improving Work-Life Balance Measures for Mental Health Improving health literacy

Examples of actions

Promotion of health management

  • In cooperation with our occupational physician, we encourage employees who receive specific health advisory services to undergo medical checks.
  • Our occupational physician individually checks the results of medical checkups for employees who are determined to need reexamination, restricts employment, or encourages employees to undergo reexaminations as necessary.
  • In addition to the health insurance association's subsidy for the cost of complete medical checkups, we have established our own Health Promotion Subsidy System to subsidize the cost of reexaminations.

Improving work-life balance

  • We have established systems such as Telecommuting (working from home), Flex-time, Refreshment Leave, No Overtime Day and No Dress Code at work, and have encouraged employees to take paid leave, childcare leave and family care leave. In this way, we have worked to support work-life balance suited to each employee's lifestyle and have created an environment which improves employee engagement.
  • To help working mothers/fathers reduce the cost of child care, we provide employees with Discount Vouchers for Babysitter Dispatch business from the Child and Family Agency as needed.
  • As a measure to prevent overwork, the Health and Safety Committee calculates monthly overtime hours for each employee and notifies all department heads of the result.
  • When an employee works overtime more than 40 hours per month for 3 consecutive months on the basis of prescribed monthly working hours, the department that overworked the employee is required to analyze the cause of the problem including the background, and consider specific countermeasures including the allocation of personnel. At the same time, to prevent long working hours, the department conducts interviews to investigate whether the measures for reducing excessive working hours are functioning effectively.

Measures for mental health

  • Based on the results of stress checks, we conduct organizational analysis to improve the workplace environment and prevent mental health problems.
  • We train managers to be considerate of subordinates’ mental health.
  • In addition to the department in charge of health management, we have established two external counselling desks where not only employees but also their family members can receive advice on mental health and family care issues.

Improving health literacy

  • We aim to raise employee health awareness by providing new employees with mental and physical health education, holding seminars in collaboration with external organizations, and holding our own health events.
  • We encourage employees in the department in charge of health management to obtain qualifications and take examinations in order to acquire expertise in health.
  • The Health and Safety Committee, which meets monthly, reports on the state of health management measures and holds lectures on health and infectious disease measures by our occupational physician. The reports and lectures are shared with all employees on the company intranet to improve health literacy and prevent infectious diseases.
  • We support our employees' friendships and health by providing subsidies for their sports activities (Health Promotion Subsidy System) and a budget for company-approved sports and culture clubs.
  • We have been expanding our office facilities to promote communication and health.
  • Based on the Health Promotion Law, we have been implementing measures to prevent passive smoking in the workplace.

6. Initiatives, Performance Data and Results of Analysis of Effectiveness

(1) Recent data (for the past three years)

←can scroll→
FY2022 FY2021 FY2020
Number of occupational accidents (per year) 0 0 2
*Falling down during working or commuting
Health check-up rate 100% 99.6% 100%
Stress check implementation rate 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of paid leave taken 65.3% 63.7% 57.9%
Monthly average overtime hours 20 hours 20 hours 17 hours
Percentage of childcare leave taken
(Percentage of women taking / Percentage of men taking)
(100.0% / 40.0%)
(100.0% / 45.5%)
(100.0% / 33.3%)

Results of analysis of effectiveness

・As a result of our continuous efforts to encourage employees to take paid leave to achieve one of our targets,“Percentage of annual paid leave taken: 70%”, the percentage of annual paid leave taken improved by 7.4% from FY2020 to FY2022.

(Examples of initiatives: Requiring employees who take fewer days of paid leave to take paid leave
Encouraging employees to take paid leave by posting on the company’s intranet and hanging up posters
Establishing months where taking paid leave is encouraged)

・The percentage of female employees taking childcare leave has long been 100%. As a result of our efforts to encourage male employees to take childcare leave, the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave improved by 16.7% from FY2020 to FY2022.

(Examples of initiatives: Encouraging eligible male employees to take childcare leave
Sharing the internal newsletter with interview articles on male employees who recently took childcare leave
Holding a seminar for all employees to support balancing childcare and work)

(2) Efforts to improve health awareness and lifestyles, and initiatives for early detection and prevention of mental health problems

  1. Dissemination of health information by our occupational physician, etc.
    • ・Sharing of health information provided by our occupational physician (monthly)
    • ・Establishment of health promotion months, and dissemination of health information provided by the Human Resources Dept.

      Examples of topics

      Occupational physician’s information: food poisoning (June 2022), sleep apnea syndrome (September), anemia (December), poor health in the spring (March 2023)

      Information provided by the Human Resources Dept.: eyestrain and dry eye (February 2022),
      encouraging use of the Health Promotion Subsidy System (October),
      disseminating information on childcare-related programs (April 2023),
      publication of manual on balancing family care and work (May)

  2. Establishment of health promotion months

    FY2022: No Smoking Months (April to June), Health Promotion Months (July to September), Months for encouraging the use of annual paid leave (October to December), Healthy Working Months (January to March)

  3. Holding health seminars
    • Record for FY2022

      ←can scroll→
      Training Course Title Theme Target Participants
      New employee training Lecture on occupational safety and health, and mental health self-care New employees 6
      Labor management training Lecture on mental health care for subordinates Managers 46
      Support for balancing career and family care Seminar to help working mothers/fathers balance childcare and work, and help their managers and colleagues understand the importance of cooperation All employees 205
      Sleep seminar Lecture on sleep impacts on health, sleep disorders, and the secret to pleasant sleep All employees (application basis) 6
      Female physical and mental health issues Lecture by our occupational physician on female physical/mental change and disability All employees (application basis) 41
      Dealing with skin troubles and hay fever using over-the-counter medications Lecture on remedies using over-the-counter medications for treating hay fever and skin dryness All employees (application basis) 8
    • Record for FY2021

      ←can scroll→
      Training Course Title Theme Target Participants
      New employee training Lecture on occupational safety and health, and mental health self-care New employees 1
      Health seminar for women Lecture by our occupational physician on female physical/mental change and disability All employees (application basis) 56
      Seminar on making full use of health checkup results Lecture by our occupational physician on how to make full use of health checkup results All employees (application basis) 26
  4. Implementing stress checks and providing employees suffering from high stress with opportunities to have interviews with our occupational physician (yearly)
  5. Implementing surveys to check organizational culture and employee engagement

    We regularly conduct organizational culture surveys and pulse surveys which focus on factors such as employee initiative, sense of belonging, and whether we are creating a work environment where we make full use of employees, and these surveys are used to visualize the degree of activation of the organization and employees and to identify organizational issues. By providing results which do not include personal information to employees, we work to improve our workplaces.
    Organizational culture surveys are conducted in alternate years, and necessary measures and actions are taken based on detailed research and feedback. In pulse surveys, on the other hand, simple questionnaires are administered once every few months to confirm and track changes in the situation of the organization and employees. These surveys enable timely consideration and implementation of measures. In addition, pulse surveys are also used to follow up on any measures taken in response to the results of organizational culture surveys.

  6. Health Promotion Subsidy System

    Health Promotion Subsidy System for supporting employee activities relating to health.

    Examples of activities supported: expenses for sports and exercise (sports facility and gym fees, training and activity participation fees), massage, chiropractic care, and flu shots, etc.

(3) Selected under the "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category)"

In recognition of our company's efforts in the area of health, we have been selected once again under the "Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category)." (This is the fourth consecutive year we have been selected since 2020.)

2024 Health and productivity